Criteria for Contributions to Skiing Kids

kids skiing at Snowbasin
  • The topic MUST BE related to skiing with kids. We are especially looking for ski resort reviews, but are open to other ideas as well.

    We want to share all the best ski destinations and tips for families around the world. What can other ski parents expect? What runs were the most kid friendly? What type of skier is this resort best suited to? Etc. Please do a search of our site to see if the destination or topic you want to cover has already been covered.

    If you have something more to add to a post that already exists, contact us and we will figure something out!
  • We only accept posts that are well written and proofread for spelling and grammar. For most posts, we have a template that we’d like you to follow.
  • We will read each post for content and quality and may come back to you with suggested or required changes prior to publishing (usually only in the event of grammatical errors or inappropriate content). We have the final word on what will appear on our site.
  • Your story and destination information are being provided by you exclusively for Skiing Kids and similar information written by you on this topic must not appear anywhere else on the internet, either now or in the future.

  • Your post MUST BE about your own experiences, not those of someone else or a researched article. We will only accept posts that clearly demonstrate through the writing and the images, that you have skied there with kids or that you have experience with the ski topic you want to cover.
  • All posts must have at least 1500 words, though we happily accept longer submissions as well.
  • You must include a minimum of 10 high quality photos  that you have the right to publish. The majority of the pictures should feature skiing kids and families.
  • You give us permission to use these images on social media to promote the post, this may include creating pins for Pinterest, creating a promotional video and posting to Facebook and Instagram. We may also use the images in round-up posts or Google Web Stories on our site to further promote the post.
  • You will have the option of either payment or a link to your own blog (not both). Include a personal bio that is 2-3 sentences long. Links to your own blog will include one do-follow link to a non-competing blog post and one link to a social network profile. No links to commercial sites will be provided.
little kids ski helmet for skiing

Any submissions from companies or persons looking to guest post for commercial reasons (i.e. looking for backlinks to a website that is not a personal website) will be deleted without response.

Skiing Kids commitment to you:

  • Once we have agreed on a topic, we will provide you with a template for the guest post.
  • We will let you know our publishing schedule in advance and commit to publishing the post as per the schedule.
  • We will promote the post on social media and tag you where possible.
  • We will edit the post to include keywords for SEO purposes and we will include affiliate links where appropriate. If wording needs to be changed, we always do our best to maintain the original goal of the writing.
  • We may substitute other images. We may also change the wording or require you to rewrite portions to ensure it fits with our standards at Skiing Kids (which is to provide support, encouragement and inspiration to other parents with the best possible information we can provide).
  • Paid guest posts will be paid $50 and will be made via PayPal within 5 business days after the post is published on Guest posts with a link back to a personal blog will not receive payment.
  • We reserve the right to refuse a submission at our sole discretion
family skiing chairlift

How to Submit Your Article To Skiing Kids?

Please contact us with your idea first to make sure it will work. We don’t want you to waste your time if it’s not a fit for our website. Fill out this Google Form with your information and topic ideas.

Once we agree on the topic, we will request that you give us a deadline of when you will submit, so we can work it in our schedule.