50 Funny Ski Jokes for Kids

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Skiing with kids is all about having fun on the slopes! If you’re looking for a way to bring even more laughter and fun to your family ski days, we’ve got you covered with our collection of kid friendly ski jokes. These jokes about skiing are perfect for the chairlift, in the lodge, or for telling to fellow skiers as your cruising down a cat-track. So get ready to laugh your way down the mountain with these hilarious ski jokes that are perfect for any ski day!

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Best Kids Ski Jokes

What’s a skier’s favorite animal?
The slalom-ander!

Why did the snowman call in sick?
He had a bad case of the chills!

Why don’t skeletons ski?
They don’t have the guts!

Why don’t snowboarders ever make it to the top of the mountain?
Because they’re always board halfway through!

Why did the snowman fail his ski class?
Because he couldn’t warm up!

What do skiers eat for breakfast?
Frosted Flakes!

Why did the skier bring a pencil to the slopes?
To draw a slope!

Why do skiers make terrible secret agents?
Because they always go downhill!

What’s a skier’s favorite dog?
A slush puppy!

Why are skiers such good friends?
Because they’re always sticking together!

What do you call a famous skier?
A sloper-star!

Why did the skier wear sunglasses?
Because they had a bright future ahead!

How do skiers send mail?
By snow-mail!

Why do skiers love telling jokes?
Because they’re snow-funny!

What’s a skier’s favorite game?
Ice-cream tag!

What’s a skier’s favorite mode of transportation?
The “ski-lift!”

Why are ski slopes always so friendly?
They’re all downhill from here!

Why did the skier bring a map?
Because they didn’t want to get snow-lost!

What did one ski say to the other?
“You’re really keeping me grounded!”

Why did the skier bring a camera?
To capture the cool moments!

Why did the skier get a job at the bakery?
Because they’re great at roll-ing down hills!

Why don’t mountains ever get tired of skiing?
Because they’re always on the slopes!

How do you know if it’s a skier’s birthday?
They have an avalanche of fun!

Why did the skier go to school?
To master their snowledge!

What do you call a snowman on skis?
A slope-star!

What’s a snowman’s favorite kind of joke?
A chill-larious one!

Why don’t skiers tell secrets?
Because they’re always on the slopes!

Why did the snowball break up with the skier?
It felt like they were drifting apart!

What did the skier say to the mountain?
“I’m falling for you!”

How do you greet a skier in the morning?
“Ski you later!”

What’s a skier’s favorite tree?
A slalom pine!

Why did the skier join the choir?
They love hitting the high notes!

What do you get when you cross a skier with a magician?

Why did the skier get cold feet?
They forgot their snow socks!

What’s a skier’s favorite drink?
An ice-cold slush!

Why did the skier take a nap at the top of the hill?
Because it was all downhill from there!

What’s a snowman’s favorite type of joke?
Frosty one-liners!

Why did the skier go to the doctor?
They felt a little off piste!

What do skiers wear at night?

Why was the skier good at math?
Because they were great at finding angles!

What’s a skier’s favorite sport at school?
Snowball dodgeball!

Why did the skier bring an umbrella?
In case of snow-showers!

What do skiers do when they get bored?
They hit the slopes!

Why did the skier bring a dictionary to the mountain?
To look up “snowledge!”

Best Ski Knock-Knock Jokes

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Yeti who?
Yeti for a big ski day?

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Sled who?
Sled’s go skiing already!

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Ski who?
Ski ya later, alligator!

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Snow who?
Snow way you’re faster than me!

Nordic Valley skiing with kids

Written by Jessica Averett

Hi, I'm Jessica! After meeting my husband on a chairlift, we now live in the mountains of Utah with our 5 kids. As a former ski instructor and mom, I'm here to help you make your family ski trips as easy, and FUN, as possible!